Eigenverwaltung: Ein Schritt in die Zukunft!

Nighster with painting made by Cult-Werk.

Now is your time.
Environmentally conscious! Illegal was yesterday - Today you drive legally!


KessTech "Explorer" per Pan America ora disponibile!

KessTech Sound for all Indian Heavy Weights MY21 now available for order!!!

KessTech Sound for Indian Challenger Dark Horse & Limited MY21!

I Fantastci Quattro – la Cromo opaco come ulteriore finitura

Mantieni pulito il tuo Sport Glide!

Nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti per tutti i sistemi KessTech EURO4 H-D

Verkehrsblattverlautbarung Nr. 53 Ziffer 2 (2. Februar 2018) nicht auf Kesstech anwendbar

DREAM-MACHINES Roadbook: Best Performance & Full-Volume Sound

Per i nuovi modelli Harley-Davidson 2018 Softail

Finally, Dutch and Belgian Harley-Davidson and BMW riders have the opportunity to experience the unique KessTech sound.

Finalmente è arrivato, siamo lieti ad offrirvi un aggiornamento del nuovo ESM3.

Bike plus KessTech = Sound at its best. Rock’n’Roll plus Ohrenfeindt = ...

Il team KESSTECH sta lavorando giorno e giorno per consentire ogni motociclista il proprio piacere di guida personale.

Learn more about our new silencer prototype R1200R.

Pure Passion. Pure Design. Pure driving pleasure. That´s what makes the BMW R nine T essential for any lovers of classical motorcycles.